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Four Types of New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

December 28, 2019

It’s about that time of year when individuals begin to list goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. There are several resolutions you can make for yourself, in order to better your life and journey. But there are also ways you can categorize your goals so that accomplishing them is an easier task. Four types of new year’s resolutions exist: self-care, give more, accomplish more, and enjoy more. If you want to maximize your potential happiness in 2020, a balance of all four resolutions is ideal.

            For most people, self-care means going shopping, getting a massage, or relaxing by the pool. While those activities can be freeing, self-care also means working towards a healthier lifestyle. Exercising more, eating vegetables, and practicing healthy sleeping habits are also common resolutions, though they might be difficult to accomplish. So why does self-care matter? It can be easily forgotten during a hectic week, so it is crucial to focus on these goals throughout the year. Eating a healthy meal or going for a walk can be a reset during busy days, allowing you to provide energy and a clear head for other tasks.

            Giving more is a resolution that is less common, considering most goals are for one’s self. For instance, you can begin to volunteer more or visit distant relatives who are in need of attention. But, how does giving to others apply to your own happiness? Your self-esteem and sense of purpose can thrive from helping others. Many might testify that they feel fulfilled after volunteering or doing someone a favor. With that, this type of goal might come from feeling guilty from the lack of helping others. Therefore, living up to this resolution can also feel freeing.

            Accomplishing more means more study sessions, working towards promotion, saving money, or receiving awards, which can all be daunting tasks. These types of resolutions often take more importance in individuals, but that does not mean they are not challenging. To accomplish more, you must have clear steps towards accomplishment, meaning less time spent online or turning in assignments before the due date. Keep these goals in mind throughout the year because these small factors can lead to great success.

            If you don’t already have this on your list, be sure that you have more fun in 2020. This task is often neglected, though you are likely to be in need of fun activities throughout the year. This includes traveling more, going out with your friend more, or watching a new show. While it is still important to make career accomplishments, you do still want to jump at fun opportunities before it is too late. Don’t miss out on occasions with your friends or family, and take a break from work every once in a while.             For each category, you should come up with concrete goals so that you know when you have reached them. Be sure that your objectives are realistic as well. For instance, if you know you only have time to exercise an hour a day, do not attempt to exercise for two hours a day because you might give up the goal entirely. You don’t need to have the same amount of goals for each type of resolution either, though, you should have a balance. Long-term well-being, as research might show, a combination of meaning, pleasure, connections, and accomplishments is necessary. Your priorities might change throughout time, but it is still necessary to focus on your resolutions. It is okay to add goals to your list as well, but, again, balance is key. Make this year great for you and try out these categories for your new year!

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